We are Mummy and Daddy of Balram Jayesh Patel. Our son was 30 years old and passed on 9th August 2023 with 6 life threatening conditions and throughout his life about a dozen others. He was developmentally delayed and was at an age of a 8 to 10 year old from “an understanding” point of view and was our baby. He was happiness personified, loved life to the fullest and made everyone he came in contact with happy, as well as those that didn’t even meet him but just heard his voice or knew about him. He had a number of challenges in his life and he was probably hospitalized for over 1 ½ to 2 years of his life.
We are deeply saddened for the loss of our Balram but we are mortified that he passed in a huge amount of unnecessary pain, before his time and this was due to the lack of care, inappropriate medical treatment, and delay in appropriate treatment. A coroner's investigation has now been opened by the coroner and the coroner is investigating the delays in Balram's treatment and the treatment itself.
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